Now came the time that I also picked up the momentum and I was nearly like my former sisters that I mentioned above. I was calling those things that are not as if they were…I would speak them into existence without intimidation. Life was different then…I never used mind walking from Bellville East at 20:00 for a Cell Group in UWC at 2030. At times we could walk from UWC at 02:30 after Coffee Bar to Bellville, at times in heavy storms and rain. Those were the times. The wonderful times of no question but pure obedience in the Lord. Sometimes I wish I could turn back the hands of time. Those were the time I was operating at the speed of paraffin. I thought there was a prize to be won. Of course the bible talks about running the race and gunning for the prize that await us at the other end. However, it seems that we took those words literally. I thought indeed the prize was waiting. But as a fact the scripture talks about pressing towards the mark of the high calling…high calling = life purpose. Phil 3: 14 Pursuing the goal towards the prize…
After couple of years still pursuing the prize of the upward call…one kinda slow down the pace and the level of intensity subsides. Especially after you realised that salvation is not an achievement but a lifestyle that we live until we meet Him in the sky. The paraffin speed subsides and now the real salvation starts where you need to carry yourself by prayer and fasting. No more illusory…but reality check. I call it illusory because it was unconscious and state of being unaware (unreal).
Now we have matured and are still growing in the Lord and still LOVE the Lord but have acquired so many good experiences and some bad ones. One realise that the journey is only beginning…the strictness we used to have is no more. The venerable, reverence and fear that used to engulf us is gone. The fire is still there but not like before. The many experiences have calmed us down…taught us a lesson or two about life. It kinda say relax, don't be in a rush lest you hit and crash. Observe the road and the path that you are travelling properly so that you reach the destination safely (heaven). Those that used to hype us up…those that took us straight from hell into heaven today are walking much slower. Some of them are not even walking at all -have crashed badly. While some are walking in a different direction today. Why…simply because life happens and has happened.
My advice to the young ones in the Lord is, have zeal for the Lord, be fired up and Love Him wholeheartedly. However, be cautious not to be weary…take time to relax (enter into His rest). Let not life stage pass you by while you still focused on the Lord. Being in the Lord is a lifestyle not an acquisition
(you don't enter and come out again - not for a period). You will have to live like that until you are no more or you meet Him in the sky. We don't want to say this words to you or behind your back one day. Donald used to serve the Lord but now….He used to pray like this but now….He used to fast and intercede but now…!!! I do not wish to be in that situation, nor wish it upon anybody. I know life has happened and I have experienced many gruelling factors but I still Love the Lord. The zeal might not be the same but inde lendlela e se hambayo (it is still a long road we are in) and I am still soldering on.
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