I am actually chuckling as I am writing the title of this blog post, I wanted to add the word 'really' at the end with a question mark. Because I know very well. I am probably near impossible to love. However, most if not all of us, I would like to believe that we are not Easy To Love. The most difficult topic. Of course, you guessed it, it is inspired by the song by Bucie. The song is a masterpiece if you ask me. The answer to the question raised in the song is the difficult part. Well, I have good news for you, as if you don't know. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is love. Loving somebody is a choice that you make. Ja, at first there is some feelings and attractions, but come a point when you really have to decide if you would like to stick around based on what you observed after few or many encounters. Few encounters, because some unions are easy to see and tell from the word go if they will last. If you really have that feeling, please, do me a favour, most importantly yourself, and walk out.
By the way sex does not make the relationship work, it only spices it up. And, it can only spice it up to a limited extend, other factors must kick in and move the relationship to the next level…I am now thinking about maturity models. Sex work temporarily..after its niceness/steaminess has worn out..remains the movie Mission Impossible 4. The problem is that, it is used as a scapegoat, when people cant really deal with the real issues. Hence those relations based on sexual activity does not make it far. They die down the line.
This few sentences just indicate how all of us are not easy to love. Well, I believe umuntu u no muntu wakhe…motho o na le motho wa hae (each person has someone suited for them), to a larger extend since, some people have had few if not several relationships or marriages. Due to the fact that one of the parties were not really that easy to love. Your person will be able to stomach you and your baggage, simple as that. The easy to love denotes that, one can be loved to such an extent that it is easy to hang with, have fun with, be silent with, be angry with, get bored with and still love the very same person without changing your initial assertion. Some people for no reason you just love them, regardless of what he/she do/does, they can upset you, but you just love them. That's the power of Love. If you will and want…pray this prayer: Lord Make Me Easy To Love To My Present or Future Partner – watch and observe the outcome. Enjoy the song...and do tell if you are Easy To Love.
This few sentences just indicate how all of us are not easy to love. Well, I believe umuntu u no muntu wakhe…motho o na le motho wa hae (each person has someone suited for them), to a larger extend since, some people have had few if not several relationships or marriages. Due to the fact that one of the parties were not really that easy to love. Your person will be able to stomach you and your baggage, simple as that. The easy to love denotes that, one can be loved to such an extent that it is easy to hang with, have fun with, be silent with, be angry with, get bored with and still love the very same person without changing your initial assertion. Some people for no reason you just love them, regardless of what he/she do/does, they can upset you, but you just love them. That's the power of Love. If you will and want…pray this prayer: Lord Make Me Easy To Love To My Present or Future Partner – watch and observe the outcome. Enjoy the song...and do tell if you are Easy To Love.
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