Friday, 25 July 2014

Mmei Psalm of Worship

  1. Thank You Lord for loving me despite all my iniquities
  2. Thank you for being my constant guide in times of trouble
  3. Thanks for leading me in the way everlasting…
  4. You display your great grandeur all the time
  5. You never cease to amaze me…Your favour upon my life is evident
  6. I am grateful and thankful to be reminded of your love time and again.
  7. Your just too awesome Lord, I can never understand…I fail everytime
  8. When I think I know the pattern, you change your order of things and do them your way.
  9. With you Lord on my side I can only go higher...and victory is assured, whatever kind
  10. I wholeheartedly bless your Holy Name, You are Yahweh…Jehovah

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