Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Mmei Psalm of Praise

  1. Lord just when I thought all is in vain, you showed me your supremacy
  2. You showed that you are faithful Lord, in the morning, in the noon day and midnight hour…
  3. You are mighty Lord, despite all my iniquities, sins and mistakes you remain the true God, the Only God
  4. You are Lord, You are My God, I Love you Lord, You direct my steps, implicitly and explicitly
  5. You are the king of my soul…you are greatly and simply awesome
  6. Lord I can't fathom you…You are incomprehensible,
  7. …Yet I love and appreciate all that you are to me…
  8. When I thought I was in the abyss and never coming out…your love and mercy remained
  9. Oh Lord, there is nothing I can do to pay you back….praise unto the most High for spurring hope in me
  10. Despite the odds, numbers, multiplicative ingress and subtractions you persist conquering
  11. I thought I am in the rut but your love Lord has just pulled me out
  12. You are great and great and great and great…Great

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