- Smile
- Exercise
- Eat dark chocolate in moderation
- Choose to be happy
- Eat something - whatever makes you happy in moderation
- Laughter
- Be silly - don't take yourself too serious
- Use all your senses - touch, smell, hear and sight
- Music - all kinds - one of the biggest triggers for happiness
- Socialise/Interaction
This are very few that makes us happy, there are many more, you are welcome to post more. Let's get more people to be happy.
Talking about music, Pharrel William's song, Happy is a beautiful tune and has taken the world by storm. Especially when it appeals and transcends beyond race, demographics and nationality. Moreover, this song has been adopted and personalised across the world. A French couple decided to create a website for all the videos uploaded on You Tube about the song, check it out Here. Pharrel spoke to Oprah recently, and touched on the globalisation of the song, he was emotional and even cried. In recent times, the song that nearly got the same attention was PSY Gangnam Style. Check out the extract from the interview with Oprah and the song from You Tube below, respectively. I AM HAPPPPPPPPYYYYYY...clap along if you are…
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