Friday, 9 May 2014

Confession Liberates…

Confession must be the most difficult thing to do…nobody ever seems to want to concede. If they do concede it would be after robust argument or provision of voluminous evidence. We all want to act stronger and mightier. We all portray a well-poised position and life to a certain extend. We want to appear together at all times. We want to appear happy not necessarily truthful and real about the issues of life. We seems to have a good perception, which is excellent. Notwithstanding the good perception displayed at times the real person needs to come out. Putting your best foot forward does not mean you should suffer in silence and not be truthful about self. In any case confession and perception differs. Speak the truth about yourself in love. Whatever method you choose to do it…

Talking about the truth in love, a couple of years ago I was attracted to this lady that was married. I would admire her from a distance, fantasise about what could be happening, every time I see her I would think about possibilities. The more I kept the truth inside of me the more the desire to have her grew in me and intensified. I think that's the nature of liking, loving and lusting someone. The desire was too strong and one day I expressed how I felt. Little did I know that is the last day I would speak to her, the whole desire just vanished? I had not desire any longer, I had not desire to speak to her. Why? Because I had CONFESSED. That's the power of confession, it liberates. Another anecdote, I recently told another lady that I liked for a long time, that I actually liked her. Afterwards I felt that the burden on my shoulder has been removed, lifted…a great relief and freedom. Till today I am still enjoying the freedom. This are not the only stories, many celebrities that were addicted to drugs…had to confess as the initial step out from the addiction…then afterwards you can handle the problem better. Confession breaks the power of sin, addiction and, in a lighter way…it releases one from the person you like which you are not supposed to especially inaptly. Even if you like the person aptly it clears your mind and opens the world around you…to see things clearly.

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