Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Forbidden Thoughts
Saturday, 24 May 2014
- Proverbs 18: 21 says that death and life [are] in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. This means that if you speak more, be cautions, as whatever you say might have serious consequences. Keywords death and your tongue. It can kill people.
- In Matthew 21:22 it state that …all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Ask in prayer means uttering words. Well prayer is normally in context and this testify to that point. Some of the things may not be said in prayer. Thus your prayer is important.
- In Matthew 12: 34 - 37 the message bible put straight, you have minds like a snake pit! How do you suppose what you say is worth anything when you are so foul-minded? It's your heart, not the dictionary, which gives meaning to your words. A good person produces good deeds and words season after season. An evil person is a blight on the orchard. Let me tell you something: Every one of these careless words is going to come back to haunt you. There will be a time of Reckoning. Words are powerful; take them seriously. Words can be your salvation. Words can also be your damnation. What are careless words, will try to find answers to this as is crucial. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
- In Genesis 1: 3 And God said, Let there be light; and there was light. In Chapter 1, God spoke many things that come into being, alive and existence…just one word. Your word maybe life or death.
- In Romans 4: 17 … calls (speak) things into existence that do not exist. This means our words creates things that are not existing as yet. We just speak the words and things that we need become alive...are created anew. The power and authority of the word ..create
- In Isaiah 55:11 it state … My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Your word achieves that which you purpose it to do…a joke will mean a joke as you purpose it, is that right? The word you speak into a certain situation will come back with consequences that you sent it out for… determine the outcome.
- In John 1: 1 …word already existed (spoken), was with God (spoken by) and was God (made alive), verse 14 state, the Word became human and lived among us. Your word that you speak can become human…people can learn from it. You can see it being lived or live it the virtue of speaking it. When you speak the word you put it into action.
- In Ezekiel 12: 25 it state for I am the Lord; I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall be performed (come to pass); it shall be no more delayed or prolonged, for in your days, O rebellious house, I will speak the word and will perform it, says the Lord God. Another emphasise from the bible, God says the words the He shall speak shall be performed. Since He is in us…the words that we shall speak shall also be performed. No more delays or prolonging.
- In the book of Joel, God spoke that at that day I will pour my spirit upon young men and women and they shall prophesy and speak in unknown tongues. This occasion came to effect in Acts 2: 16 - 20. This again shows the power of the spoken word, in the form of a prophesy. Some spoken words may come in to effect after some time and not immediately.
- In Acts 2: 21 it states …whoever shall call (speak/ask) upon the name of the Lord [invoking, adoring, and worshiping the Lord-Christ] shall be saved. If you declare and decree it with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, definitely you shall be saved.
- In Job 22: 27 - 28 states that you will make your prayer to Him, and He will hear you, and you will pay your vows. You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the light [of God's favor] shall shine upon your ways. It is clear that we need to make a decision of what we consider important and decree that particular thing and it shall be established for us. This decision answers the question in point 3 about careless words. If you made a decision, your words cannot be careless.
- The answer about the joke, whether it is considered serious or not, in Acts 2: 13 -15 but others made a joke of it and derisively said, they are simply drunk and full of sweet [intoxicating] wine. But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them: You Jews and all you residents of Jerusalem, let this be [explained] to you so that you will know and understand; listen closely to what I have to say. For these men are not drunk, as you imagine, for it is [only] the third hour (about 9:00 a.m.) of the day. The bible talks about the joke that was made, in the midst of serious Holy business. But Peter had to be serious about it and bring the people to the attention that it is not a joking/mocking matter. This shows that there is place for jokes but must be declared upfront. Clear separation is important. Jokes should be just that.
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Are We Well-Balanced or Well Informed…Know The Difference!!!
Donald Matjuda Psalm of Praise
- Lord I thank you, I bless your holy name
- You have showed that you are omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent
- You never cease to amaze me…you are always on time, never late
- You have shamed the devil once again...and proved that he is a liar
- You are strong when I am weak, when I have no plan, when I cannot understand, when I exhausted my options, when I cannot figure it out, when I about to lose hope
- But God…
- You show up in many ways…you show up in Kakamus, Keimoes, Kenhardt…everywhere I am Lord you are there
- Thank you once again…I can do nothing apart from you Lord
See It and Get It
Sunday, 18 May 2014
I Am Happy…
- Smile
- Exercise
- Eat dark chocolate in moderation
- Choose to be happy
- Eat something - whatever makes you happy in moderation
- Laughter
- Be silly - don't take yourself too serious
- Use all your senses - touch, smell, hear and sight
- Music - all kinds - one of the biggest triggers for happiness
- Socialise/Interaction
Friday, 16 May 2014
I Am Compliant…What Are You!!!
1. Compliant: Saying Yes to the Bad
This kind of people have fuzzy and inarticulate boundaries. They yield into the demands and needs of other people. They can't stand alone, distinct from other people who want something from them. This kind of people pretend to like the same books, TV shows, movies, hangout spots with their friends or people they know. So that they can get along. They normally minimise their differences with others so as to avoid conflict. In essence compliants change their stance to suit the situation just like a chameleon. After a while it's hard to differentiate them from their environment. This cause them an inability to say no, which is inescapable. This enhances the inability to refuse evil to a greater extent – prevent one from recognising evil. Often realises late when in a dangerous position or bad company. The spiritual and emotional radar is broken. Inability to guard their hearts. They fear hurting other people's feelings. Compliance to harsh conscience. Lastly compliance take on too many responsibilities and set too few boundaries.
- Compliance Avoidants are people who have no boundaries where they need them and they have boundaries where they do not need them.
- Aggressive Controllers: don't listen to others boundaries. Run over other people's fences like a tank. At times verbally and or physically abusive. Are simply unaware about others boundaries.
- Manipulative Controller: Are less honest. Try to persuade people out of their boundaries and talk others into yes. They implicitly wangle circumstances to get their way. Use guilt messages and persuade others to carry their burden.
- People with critical spirit towards others, dislike being incomplete themselves thus ignore other's needs.
- People who are self-absorbed in own desires and needs they completely exclude others (narcissism).
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Why Do We Always Have To Prove Our Capabilities At Our Work Places
Before I conclude I would like to quote Lerato Mbele, who attested the very same sentiments (in February 2014 Destiny Magazine Issue) but have now calmed down. See below.
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
Could You Recognise Your Loved Ones Dressed In Homeless Attire...
- It was to shamefully exposes our increased ignorance, when it comes to feeling sorry for the homeless.
- Whether peoples still take out time to stop briefly and greet the homeless or even offer a peace-meal (some still do religiously).
- Our concentration levels on the road has diminished as most of us think about a lot of things - our stress level has risen.
- I also cant ignore the idea that keeps popping in my mind that, the experiment meant to vilify you and I about ability to recognise our loved ones, or anybody for that matter. We are too concerned with ourselves - selfish. Or simply we just don't care. Have a look at the video and leave your comment below.
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Welcome To My House Party
Monday, 12 May 2014
Mmei wa ga Matjuda Songs of Psalms
You made ways for me when I had lost faith, trust, belief and hope – I was in despair.
I will cling unto you, Yahweh is the sweetest name I know
You renewed me inside, you transformed my heart, you give me a new Spirit - that seeks and longs for your presence
Lord I can see, perceive, sense and anticipate your rain, I can see the abundance of clouds coming, I can sense the outpouring of the blessings of the Lord upon My life
Lord I worked harder, open up your gates of heaven, your floodgates Oh Lord
I know that when praises go up, your blessings come down
I receive your rebuke, reprimand and chastisement as is my betterment.
Thank You Lord for your word of promise...that those who believe in you shall not be disappointed.
I Am Easy To Love…
This few sentences just indicate how all of us are not easy to love. Well, I believe umuntu u no muntu wakhe…motho o na le motho wa hae (each person has someone suited for them), to a larger extend since, some people have had few if not several relationships or marriages. Due to the fact that one of the parties were not really that easy to love. Your person will be able to stomach you and your baggage, simple as that. The easy to love denotes that, one can be loved to such an extent that it is easy to hang with, have fun with, be silent with, be angry with, get bored with and still love the very same person without changing your initial assertion. Some people for no reason you just love them, regardless of what he/she do/does, they can upset you, but you just love them. That's the power of Love. If you will and want…pray this prayer: Lord Make Me Easy To Love To My Present or Future Partner – watch and observe the outcome. Enjoy the song...and do tell if you are Easy To Love.
Sunday, 11 May 2014
Marimba Night Life...Monate Fela
Mr Matjuda Night Life at Trinity
Saturday, 10 May 2014
Psalm of Donald Matjuda to Lord…
- What can I say or do to impress the Lord My God?
- Only praise, honour and worship can move and impress Him
- He is the Lord of Pastor Godwin Maboe, Dr Bishop Winston Pienaar, Pastor Charmaine Pienaar and Donald Matjuda
- He is the Almighty of Jacob, Shadrack, Mishack and Abednego
- He is mighty to save, awesome and wonderful
- The Lord is the light of my life, my joy, my strength, he rejoices over me.
- He sing a happy song over me and dances for my victory
- Lord you are happy when victory is my portion, your smile and joy is my resounding strength
- Lord you prepare the path and ways for me, level, open, flatten and make them plain for my sake
- You carry me through the darkest hour, when I cannot recognise myself you give me an identity
- When I am in abyss, the deepest hole and gutter, you restore me, you strengthen my toes, meta-tarsals and knees.
- You inpower and empower me, you transform my mind, my mind gets ready for war against the devil
- You promised me eternality, you said I can conquer anything, you said mightier things I can do…you strengthen my knees to stand and walk even in hopeless situations
- You are God - Exalted, High above everything. Heaven is your recharging place and earth is you're implementing place. It is your place of work, your angels take up their positions on earth. They give you feedback about each of our lives and how I am living. The Holy Ghost is my guard, protector, soul provider - He goes forth on my behalf as I command.
- You have appointed me as your agent of change, the agent created in your image to bring about the knowledge of the Lord to the people.
- You enable me to hope, believe, belong and love. In you I belong, I know a man need three things, which is Hope, Love and Belong in life but the first one is You Lord…
- You make all other things to fall together, sense-making, give a rich picture, to fall in place…when I am lost I can have the slightest of the hope, because I will yet still see the salvation of the Lord in my Life.
- You become the oversee of my soul, even when I am lonely I can pour my Love to you
- You are beautiful, your beauty is too much, your beauty is beyond understanding…you are good…Yes You are.
- I love the Lord for He has saved my soul, He has lifted me up…He has made me anew…He has breathed in me life in abundance, given me grace, mercy and power.
- I thought I have seen my miracles in the world until I met you, then I realise I had seen nothing. I thought I understood better, I was clever enough to do so many things but the Lord…
- But the Lord showed me His power, He showed me His strength and showed that He is capable
- Hence I declare and decree today that I love the Lord, Yes I do…I Love the Lord…Yes I do…
How Do You Remember Your Mama...
How Do You Remember Your Mother…
- While I was still young she was working in Johannesburg as a domestic worker, and she is still working there today. I remember her bringing Christmas clothing. It was an exciting time and moment. I would wear them and quickly make them dirty because I did not want to wear something beautiful. I thought I didn't deserve anything beautiful. I want to wear it but it must not be new, if it is, it attracts attention. Everytime it was December and Good Friday, she will bring clothes. Only now when I cast my mind back I remember that some of the clothes were not new, they used to belong to the children of her bosses and when they do not want them any longer she would keep them for us. Anything that came from Makgoweng (White people from Johannesburg) was simply beauty and the best. Those were the days, my Mama really made those events memorable and I always looked forward for new clothes, shoes or toys. Even though some were slightly bigger, rope will be used to tie them and life continues.
- She also used to buy confectionaries, she likes them even now, I also like them till now. Since I only used to eat bread, drink coke and or eat chicken or meat once a month or sometimes three to four times a year. When she comes back from Makgoweng to visit. She will come back stocked with sweets staff and I will indulge until I get sick sometimes. I will shine, and feel like I am on top of the world. It felt proud to have had a Mother who used to work and could bring us nice things to boast about to our friends. Even though it was once in a while it was sweet and lasting.
- One of the things she used to do, is to give us money - in those days R5 was a lot of money, and she would give me to spend at school. I would cherish, protect, defend and boast about it for a long time. This trends continued until my early teenage years when I can realise the distance. Importantly though, there was a memory of her involvement in my life.
- In those days, a car was luxury, the same as bread, coke and other confectionaries, only those that can I afford will eat them on a daily basis. I remember her asking her brother to take us with a car (back to where we stayed with our Father) after spending the day or weekend with her. It was a moment of heaven on earth because we hardly ever been in a car. I will really relish the moment.
- While I was in Tertiary, Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), she contributed immensely to clothes (not new - used from her bosses), she also used to ask for some advance, for settling part of my fees and studies - especially our regular excursions that we used to embark on, as a Nature Conservation students. She will also ask her employers to buy me books, I remember the Mammals of Southern Africa, Trees of Southern Africa and Ecology (I still have the books even today). I think because they understood the role of education, they obliged. I do Remember Mama in a Happy Way And Love Her Stacks.
- I still remember her shouting, reprimand, her words of inspiration, encouragement, strengthening and empowering. She really shaped and made me. She was hurt that she couldn't really raise us the way she would have liked to but she did her best under the circumstances.
Friday, 9 May 2014
Confession Liberates…
Confession must be the most difficult thing to do…nobody ever seems to want to concede. If they do concede it would be after robust argument or provision of voluminous evidence. We all want to act stronger and mightier. We all portray a well-poised position and life to a certain extend. We want to appear together at all times. We want to appear happy not necessarily truthful and real about the issues of life. We seems to have a good perception, which is excellent. Notwithstanding the good perception displayed at times the real person needs to come out. Putting your best foot forward does not mean you should suffer in silence and not be truthful about self. In any case confession and perception differs. Speak the truth about yourself in love. Whatever method you choose to do it…
Talking about the truth in love, a couple of years ago I was attracted to this lady that was married. I would admire her from a distance, fantasise about what could be happening, every time I see her I would think about possibilities. The more I kept the truth inside of me the more the desire to have her grew in me and intensified. I think that's the nature of liking, loving and lusting someone. The desire was too strong and one day I expressed how I felt. Little did I know that is the last day I would speak to her, the whole desire just vanished? I had not desire any longer, I had not desire to speak to her. Why? Because I had CONFESSED. That's the power of confession, it liberates. Another anecdote, I recently told another lady that I liked for a long time, that I actually liked her. Afterwards I felt that the burden on my shoulder has been removed, lifted…a great relief and freedom. Till today I am still enjoying the freedom. This are not the only stories, many celebrities that were addicted to drugs…had to confess as the initial step out from the addiction…then afterwards you can handle the problem better. Confession breaks the power of sin, addiction and, in a lighter way…it releases one from the person you like which you are not supposed to especially inaptly. Even if you like the person aptly it clears your mind and opens the world around you…to see things clearly.
Is It Important To Manage Perceptions About You!!!
I wrote an article about Perceptions which indicated how important it is to get to the bottom of the issue before making startling conclusions. What in effect is perception, 'it is the idea that people have about you without verification'. Whether is the truth or doesn't matter. It is the opinions of other people about your life. My article laid down some important aspects as to why we should not make conclusive judgment and decisions based on perceptions. While that is important we should not ignore the Importance perceptions play in society. People know that there is two sides to every story but how many actually bother to unravel the other side before casting aspersions. More times than not we thrive and making serious allegations based on perceptions. The more noise is made about certain products, services and people, the more the perception is created about them. This can either favour or discredit them. This can be services provided, products quality and peoples ideology. For an example Julius Malema's perception is that of radicalism and rudeness but if one get to listen to him speak, you will be amazed.
The point I am making is that as much as we know the truth, we are not allowing the truth to set us free. We are still enslaved by the perceptive nature of how the media portray certain products, services and people. Knowing that it is the truth and fact, this means that we should care about the perception that people have about us. We need to manage that in a way. How many of us have made conclusions and even commented on the Nkandla report without reading it (or even extract of it). The answer is rhetoric, we have made findings about other people from a distance. Although it is difficult to control, we need to manage it to a certain extend. We need to generally portray ourselves in a positive light for the sake of other people. However, that does not mean we should not be truthful about ourselves. It simply means improve your brand representation. Nobody want to be seen in a bad light at all times. Put your best foot forward, represent yourself wisely and truthfully. I am sure you wouldn't want to be seen drunk most times, because that's the perception people will have about you. Unfortunately they make final decisions based on that. To a larger extend it is important to manage your perception to avoid negative publicity. Whether you are in a public eye or not it is important.