Making a difference by the way we think.
Changing the way we think and the way we view the world around us
Thought: Use the negativity surrounding as a catalyst to succeed. Life begun with a thought from God and as we are made in his image we basically portray God in our lives and the way we think. The way we think is the way we view things and believe them to be. Basically everything that one ever does it initially begun with a thought that was developed to an action. Although, most of what we think we don’t really believe are worth it. Whatever you are doing today it was thought a year ago, most of the decision that we take are structured decision because were thought about them thoroughly sometimes back. Although sometimes it seems like you never thought about something is because it is habituated in you. You cannot do something unless it was birthed in you before. It is impossible, because the mind acts on what is believed by the inner person.
What you think is what you are. Because, it is birthed in you and you start to meditate on it and afterwards you believe. Once we believe on a thought we want to act upon it to make it reality/happen. Three key words that came out of the previous sentences is:
Life is about mind power whether you believe it or not. Once you believe you can do it. Of course you will because you think you can do it nothing magic about it. We have been taught to think in a limited way, thinking that certain people can only do certain things. My story before I even knew how was Cape Town like when I was still young I remembered telling my grandmother that one day I am going to be in Cape Town, that was a dream for me. I was still in a hopeless situation dominated by poverty and everything else. Then came tertiary education I used to pray every evening in the train coming back from Tech saying to myself I might not know Cape Town but one day I will be there. As I was reminding myself it became stronger and more realistic. Then came one day when I went to the interview for in-service training, I was asked where would you like to work I boldly said Cape Town. There I can see my dream taking another level higher. Remember it was a thought and it was birthed in me and it became part of my life. When it was announced that I got the job, I remember we were in a Camp at Suikierbosrand Nature Reserve. I was filled with joy and it become content, I started to thank God for making my dreams come true.
Many of us have dreams, wishes, hopes and aspirations and now they seem impossible or vague because they are there but we don’t really believe in them. We don’t even see them (not specific), write them down, or say them to ourselves. When did you last tell yourself that I am beautiful? When did you last feel really good about yourselves when you approach your superiors at work? People if we think we are min we will be. If we think we are failures we will be. If you always thought that you are worthless you will be. If you think you are miserable you will be. But, if you think you are a winner of course you will be. Look, how European footballers play, splendid! Why? Because they think they are the worlds greatest footballers. In South Africa we have a lot of skills but our mentality is totally wrong. Americans are full of themselves, they rule the world, everything else begins there, and they influence our culture and are taking over a lot of things. Why? Simply because they think they are the best and everything else follows. Japan is also a strong country but their mentally is skewed. Today we need to change our perception of how we view ourselves as individuals and as believers. Excuse me, I don’t want to dwell much on the bible because basically everyone knows about it. People this is not only to encourage you, but it is for you to do introspection about your life, Christian walk, dreams and the way you think. Let us also be very careful that when we think it does not become unrealistic. Encouraging story; they say there were frogs going up the tower and another one just kept on moving without looking back because of the set goal and wanting to achieve something for himself. The Frog just kept on going until he reaches the top. The frog was deaf; he couldn’t hear all the negativity surrounding; other frogs saying you can’t make it. It is impossible to go to the top and so on. The problem with us is that we think we can’t make it given the circumstances. We are been dictated of what we should do and not do in our own personal life by the world around us. We need to change that; we need to be the dictators of hope, faith and love to the people around us. Labeling people according to their culture, ethnic group and the colour of their skin. Let us address people as the image of God and as human beings not because of their rank or level. As long as you show respect to people it doesn’t matter who he/she is respect will be felt.
That is all in our minds, when you see a white guy entering your office you speak/treat them differently from a black person. When a black person is dressed in a jean the respect level changes but if he can say hi I am the CEO of Lexmark, abruptly the mind will change in a split of a second and the treatment will be different. But why? How are we influencing the world wherever we are for a better South Africa? When I was on holiday I went to Mugg & Bean in Sandton City Square Jo’burg for breakfast. I ordered my food; by the way a black person served me. And, he forget to bring me the spoon, sitting there waiting patiently for my spoon (while he is carrying on with his other duties and I had to call him again and When he come he didn’t look apologetic because I am ….) and he totally forgot but the moral of the story is just because I was black he relaxed and didn’t give his best services because I can’t complaint or if I complaint I will be labeled as full of himself.
Let each day be the best day of your life and gave your best ability in any work situation and personal life. Most people that know me have this perception that I really love my job because I am not complaining and always talk positive things about it. Let us look at it differently now what if I was complaining everyday about it. What impression will people have of my job and me (he hate it, he doesn’t like his boss and his job is not good)? It is my choice, whether I like it or not the fact is that I am there. I must make it joyful and fun and everyday I choose that I going to work and make a difference in the same time learning for my future dream. I used to work in picnic areas picking horrible staff I did it with joy and understanding that I am still going far. I needed that for my ladder up the ranks. If I want I can complaint everyday about life and my work as well, but the point is what will it benefit me with, nothing! It will just give me more stress and depression and hatred and affect my inner personal life due to lack of inner peace.
God gave me life that I may live it more abundantly and I am going to do just like that. Today, wherever you are whether you like it or not give it your best, please do it for God ‘s sake.
People let us make a difference in our country today; let us change the way we think. We can’t hold on of the past hatred and hurting, let it go and continue with our lives. From now on let each one of us choose a positive life and prophesy them into your life and to the people around you. Let us leave our cocoons and start making a difference in other peoples live through words deeds and sponsorship. We can’t go on each day complaining about life, work and my boss, like things have been forced to us. Perhaps you should ask yourself a question why do you live. Why do you do what you do today? Again it is about the whys of life not how? You have a choice over your life and more importantly control of what should happen to you. Money can’t make a difference in the world; you might be the world richest man or woman but still not make a difference. What makes a difference is how we think and believe because what we think becomes a habit.
Not all our habits are right, there are a lot of things that we do or say that don’t make sense and we don’t even know that we are doing them. Because, the not so good part of us has been allowed to develop without guard. The way we pay attention to our lives has been habituated and normalized. Now it seems right. That is why most people live in their comfort zone and don’t want to step out and live life differently. Just because your habits brought you thus far doesn’t necessarily mean they are right either. Perhaps you have not allowed people to influence you positively and show you your mistakes because you have been avoiding facing your weaknesses. Some Christians will say I don’t want to get angry or say this and that. That is closing in on your self and live a pretentious life because you are scared if people find out who you really are will run away. Those that the son set free are free INDEED. Let us face our fears, statistically it has been proven that the things we fear the most are the things that happen to us. We are also transformed and renewed of a mind, right!
Even one day I never doubted giving or blessing people with money, amazingly I always have money on me. I even sometimes think Lord what is going on? Sometimes I don’t even know where the money comes from. Because my persistent thinking will always tell me that I can do whatever I want to do. It is my thought, I am fulfilled within me and it gives me pleasure. There will always be needs and want, I am sure the worlds second richest man Bill Gate still want more. That is what we call a human element/thinking.
It is time to change our habits to suit and influence the direction that we are taking about life. My story, those that knows and understand me a little bit more, from High school I always believed in myself that there is nothing impossible. There were times when things will really get tough to test my faith in my dreams, I will just look at the situation and smile because I know that I am still going far because I believe it. What kept me going during those times was a strong persistent or resistant believe within me. I will tell my self that if he can do it why can’t I do it. I forcibly believed in me despite the fact that people were there to say one, two and three. Nothing ever put me down from living a happy contented life I dreamt of. Jesus with his disciples, he started walking on the water and another disciple followed but he realized that oh I am walking on the water and after that he fell in the water because he didn’t believe that he can do it, his faith was insufficient. What is stopping you today from making a full commitment to your course and really believe that you can do it. John Maxwell says the only thing that is stopping you from becoming what God want you to be is yourself, your thinking. God never purposed anyone of us to be poor and suffer no no no. I refuse and reverse.
We need to change the way we think and start believing and doing what is right. We may know the bible line by line but if we don’t sufficiently believe and act upon it is null and void. Over the years we have adapted ourselves to the use of negative language such as saying I am difficult, my history is like this and that, kids were accustomed to be called that you can’t do this, you are naughty, stupid and all that names. Those are the things that stick with you. If you use a positive language about your life, believe it or not your life will exactly be that way. Imagine by the time we were still young if we were told that we are loved, beautiful, capable, friendly and intelligent. What were those words going to do to our self- confidence? Boost it really high, so it is the time to start sowing goodness into the world, our work, our homes and the people around. So, that we can reap goodness and create a better South Africa. What is our affirmations about life my ones are;
I am going far still CEO no doubt about it
I am tremendously successful
I am confident
I am productive
I feel great
I am happy
I am capable of going where I want to go and doing what I want to do.
I am the world greatest in my unique way
If you always thought that Parliamentarians are responsible for making South Africa a peaceful living place change that from your system and start making a difference. A better country is our responsibility as God ‘s dream team. So, that all men maybe saved, Jesus’s prayer was that they may be ‘ONE’ John 17. Let us stop blaming white people or whoever did what. Pick up where you can and move forward. Only our attitudes, beliefs and choices will have an impact in the world today most importantly our thinking, the way we think about ourselves. Do we see ourselves as stars of tomorrow and leading by Example or as followers of the present status quo TV generation, generalization by media, and few biblical programs on TV? What are you doing about it, nothing. Why? Because it is not easy so we tell ourselves everyday, no time, no money, no this and no that. Our minds record everything but the faith isn’t enough for us to make a difference.
They say each day about 55 new thoughts cross our minds have you ever noticed that. Let us begin to see and realize the potential within ourselves. If you have a dream it doesn’t matter how much money you have, you just need to be charted to your course and believe. How much did Jesus had to heal people and to make difference in those times…and present times? You can answer that yourself.
Sin is purely a thought Mat 15: 18-19. But those things, which proceed out of mouth, come forth from the heart; and thy defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts murders, adulteries, fornication, thefts, false witness, and blasphemies. And when Jesus was asked which is the great commandment in Mat 22: 37 he said thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy MIND. Why did he give additional commandments?
I will end this article with these words of wisdom: Everything starts with a thought – dreams, aspirations, hopes and wishes, we only need to decide why should we execute them. Robin. Whatever you can do, or dream you can... Begin it. Boldness has genius power and magic in it. One thing for sure is that nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anyone can start and make a new ending. A Greek philosopher by the name of Plato said let not your past determine your future but let it rather shape it. Again I say rejoice in the Lord. Be blessed and don’t forget to be awesome. You guys are beautiful!!
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