Saturday, 22 February 2014

Make a decision about your life

I was reading a book Staying On Top by David Mansell and came across this statement: Making a decision about your life. I pondered a little about it and realized how much is in that statement. It has a lot of connotations to it. Why? If you do not make a decision about your life the chances that many things will affect you are high. For an example if you do not make a decision about entertaining sexual temptations, it will forever be a problem in your life until you make a decision about it not to be. However, if you do not perceive something to be a problem despite your struggle to stop doing it at the time that you want then your philosophies in life are skewed. Each of us has a boundary/area of responsibility that we preserve. Those areas that we care about are the very same things that we build boundaries around; this can be your car, house, career, love life, sex life, spiritual life, dealing with issues and interaction with people.
We often make a decision about any of the issues mentioned about, explicitly and implicitly; the problem is what kind of decision do we make? The decision that we make often determine whether we will struggle or succeed about the issue. The title of the article states that make a decision about your life? The ilk of the decision that is supposed to be made is positive, life building and in alignment with higher level of self-control. Most importantly it should be in line with your faith and spiritual life.
Hence the biblical backing for these is found in Proverbs 25: 28 He who has no rule over his own spirit is a city broken down and without walls (in amplified version), (the message version) a person without self-control is like a house with its doors and windows knocked out…Proverb 16:32…, self-control is better than political power (message version), (the new living translation state); better to have self-control than to conquer or capture the city.
 The decision will make a stamp on your mind, it will remind you, keep you accountable and responsible for your life. It will be a beacon of hope and bearing in case you divert from your course or path of life. Remember you committed that you shall not have financial problems or struggle with sexual temptations, whatever comes your way, God will raise the standard and elevate you so that you come out to be a winner or overcomer. Your faith in your decision will be your shield or your downfall. We often make a decision about certain people e.g. Zimbini will never make me angry regardless, even if she does, the impact will not be much. The same goes for people that are listed as triggers, regardless of how small their doing is, they make you mad. 
If you made the decision stick to it no matter the outcome, you chose it, bear the consequences. In a way this calls for a wise decision making process, which will minimize the impact later. Most decisions are made too quickly. Proverbs 11: 14 state where no wise guidance is, the people fall, but in multitude of counselors there is safety. The key word is guidance, counselors and safety. Indeed there is safety where an informed decision is made under wise guidance; this guidance will come from the experienced source.
However, there is a caution, some areas of your life decisions can’t be made that simple about certain problem and the problem is over. You have to deal with the root cause of the issue and unpin the strongholds and underlying forces preventing the breakthrough. However, the decision must be made that now is the time to tackle the issue and never look back, firm and establish your-self upon that decision. 
The major problem about us starts as expressed in this verse James 1: 6 – 9  But when you ask (it is a decision made), you must believe and not doubt (never wavering, nothing doubting, no hesitating, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind (NIV). The message version 6 – 8 states; ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who “worry their prayers” are like wind-whipped waves. Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open. In EXB version it states verse 7 - 8; [For] such doubters are thinking two different things at the same time [double-minded], and they cannot decide about anything they do [are unstable in all they do]. They should not think [expect] they will receive anything from the Lord.
The problem as adequately expressed above is our mental stand about the decision. We make decisions but have second thought, doubt, waver, hesitate and keep our options open. That’s the main issue that needs to be dealt with; it is a door to allow sexual temptations to be a major issue, and eventually leading to rehabilitation. Our decision need to be firm about our life situations to deny or allow. Declare and decree that you shall not struggle with finances, relationships, marriage, family, career and studies. Your whole mental frame shift towards attaining that particular goal, you do not allow room for disturbances or doubts, or to be tossed to and from as expressed above. When you are firm on your decision; they protect your life mission and vision. They keep you on the right track and remove the unwanted distractions and diversions along the way, they heal you, removes generational curses and transforms life. Now it is the time to succeed and start afresh with a new perspective, established boundaries and concrete DECISION.

I know someone who is on the brink of divorce because of this very subject, every time he had a fight with his wife; he thought the marriage (relationship) might be over (do most of us do this). I always wondered why he thought that way. But I realized that he had not made any decision (commitment) towards his marriage or made any decision (commitment) to stay in it. Despite the “I do’s” and signing, that does not means you really committed (made decision) to your marriage. The commitment (decision) originates from the heart, without any force and coercion. It is a conscious decision to say whatever comes our way, I will stay in it and make it work, there is no doubt in your mind because the decision is made. Every problem that come, you work through it swiftly and find solutions. Why? Because you are in it to win it! The article may apply to you wholly or partly, the aim is to incite your decision making process. It’s a call for re-evaluation and caution about our life principles and philosophies; they might be an entry to many of our struggles and problems, but we never realized.  

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