I lost something that I was supposed to get because I listened to others around me and didn't try hard enough, they discouraged me and made me to follow the rules and processes which I normally do not follow to obtain what I need. Lack of success in one area tends to affect success in others. It slows you down and makes one to be extra cautious and at times follow unyielding processes. This will overall affects your self-confidence. It is important to outline that believing in yourself include careful considerations of speed bumps along the way (identification of risks - formulation of exact risk statements and treatment plans).
Believe in yourself, believe in the idea of you. Be excited when you think about yourself…smile and chuckle. You need to trust yourself, your need to learn to listen to yourself, you need to purpose and determine in your heart that life is good, have a positive outlook about life in general, expect good things from life and it is not a punishment. You need to be 'hard' and at times kind to yourself, you need to push yourself beyond the limits, believe in your abilities, talents and instincts, even though sometimes they may fail you (failing proper risk identification) success rate has always been higher. You only have yourself that has the best interest of you at heart. If anything bad, uncool and unworthy, you are to blame, believe that you can make it, believe that you are the best in your field (if not yet, work at it), hype yourself up, encourage and motivate yourself regardless of your personality type…forget that. Don't allow yourself to be fooled…hence I spoke about self-awareness. See your-self fully fledged and successful, whatever you define as success. I strongly believe in me…Mmei Donald Matjuda I believe in you whole-heartedly. You are good, from time to time I am reminded that I am good…See LES CRANE - DESIDERATA beautiful Poem;
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