Saturday, 24 May 2014


We have different kinds of people, some speak less, some more and some moderate. They say the less you speak, the more people listen (less is more and more is less). Some also says action speaks louder than words. An average human being utter about 20 000 words in a day, with women at a max of 20 000 while men are at 16 000 max. We speak a lot of words without consideration. If I had to ask myself a question, of the many words that I spoke today, how many do I remember? I am sure the answer would be less than 10 % of the 16 000. To a certain extent this means that many of the words we speak are not worth remembering. The reason can be, normal conversation differs from real conversations. For the purpose of explaining this normal conversation will be those that may not relate to any specific consequences (depending on the situation) while real refers to those that may result in serious consequences (such as a statement from the President). It might be difficult to really say some conversation do not have consequences (depending on how you view things, all conversations may literally have some consequences). However, we will not dwell on that aspect of the discussion. Should the words spoken be in or out of context?

My main claim of the discussion is that words have power? This is a topical issue and we will see why. Since my claim is that words have power, does this have a positive or negative effect? Let's look at this, it would seem that some people speak certain words, and they mean life or death to the country or community. President such as Robert Mogabe, Bashar Al-Assad and Thomas Sankara etc. have spoken words that resulted in many people being killed and country transformed. We also see that if a celebrity tweets or post a facebook status, it makes news headline. Kanye West and Kim Kardashians if they breathe, move, sleep and cough, we read about it. Whatever comes out of their mouth is word. While you and I may blabber many words and none of them make it anywhere. This does testify to my claim that words do have power. However, it also seems to refer to the person saying the words for them to have power. Also said in a certain context. But, is this the entire truth? The likelihood is high that it is the truth, for example, we are allowed to joke, speak nonsense or without thinking properly. Does the words of comedians have power? Well, I don't have the answer yet.

Since I have made my claim clear? I am now left with this questions. Does every word that we speak have power? Do we have to change our tone for some of our words to have power? I am mostly jovial, and at times some people think I am not serious when I say most things. Do I have to give warning and say 'now I am serious', therefore every word spoken in that hour or two may have serious consequences? Let's find the answers from the bible.
  1. Proverbs 18: 21 says that death and life [are] in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. This means that if you speak more, be cautions, as whatever you say might have serious consequences. Keywords death and your tongue. It can kill people. 
  2. In Matthew 21:22 it state that …all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Ask in prayer means uttering words. Well prayer is normally in context and this testify to that point. Some of the things may not be said in prayer. Thus your prayer is important. 
  3. In Matthew 12: 34 - 37 the message bible put straight, you have minds like a snake pit! How do you suppose what you say is worth anything when you are so foul-minded? It's your heart, not the dictionary, which gives meaning to your words. A good person produces good deeds and words season after season. An evil person is a blight on the orchard. Let me tell you something: Every one of these careless words is going to come back to haunt you. There will be a time of Reckoning. Words are powerful; take them seriously. Words can be your salvation. Words can also be your damnation. What are careless words, will try to find answers to this as is crucial. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
  4. In Genesis 1: 3 And God said, Let there be light; and there was light. In Chapter 1, God spoke many things that come into being, alive and existence…just one word. Your word maybe life or death.
  5. In Romans 4: 17 … calls (speak) things into existence that do not exist. This means our words creates things that are not existing as yet. We just speak the words and things that we need become alive...are created anew. The power and authority of the word ..create 
  6. In Isaiah 55:11 it state … My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Your word achieves that which you purpose it to do…a joke will mean a joke as you purpose it, is that right? The word you speak into a certain situation will come back with consequences that you sent it out for… determine the outcome.
  7. In John 1: 1 …word already existed (spoken), was with God (spoken by) and was God (made alive), verse 14 state, the Word became human and lived among us. Your word that you speak can become human…people can learn from it. You can see it being lived or live it the virtue of speaking it. When you speak the word you put it into action.
  8. In Ezekiel 12: 25 it state for I am the Lord; I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall be performed (come to pass); it shall be no more delayed or prolonged, for in your days, O rebellious house, I will speak the word and will perform it, says the Lord God. Another emphasise from the bible, God says the words the He shall speak shall be performed. Since He is in us…the words that we shall speak shall also be performed. No more delays or prolonging.
  9. In the book of Joel, God spoke that at that day I will pour my spirit upon young men and women and they shall prophesy and speak in unknown tongues. This occasion came to effect in Acts 2: 16 - 20. This again shows the power of the spoken word, in the form of a prophesy. Some spoken words may come in to effect after some time and not immediately.
  10. In Acts 2: 21 it states …whoever shall call (speak/ask) upon the name of the Lord [invoking, adoring, and worshiping the Lord-Christ] shall be saved. If you declare and decree it with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, definitely you shall be saved.
  11. In Job 22: 27 - 28 states that you will make your prayer to Him, and He will hear you, and you will pay your vows. You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the light [of God's favor] shall shine upon your ways. It is clear that we need to make a decision of what we consider important and decree that particular thing and it shall be established for us. This decision answers the question in point 3 about careless words. If you made a decision, your words cannot be careless.
  12. The answer about the joke, whether it is considered serious or not, in Acts 2: 13 -15 but others made a joke of it and derisively said, they are simply drunk and full of sweet [intoxicating] wine. But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them: You Jews and all you residents of Jerusalem, let this be [explained] to you so that you will know and understand; listen closely to what I have to say. For these men are not drunk, as you imagine, for it is [only] the third hour (about 9:00 a.m.) of the day. The bible talks about the joke that was made, in the midst of serious Holy business. But Peter had to be serious about it and bring the people to the attention that it is not a joking/mocking matter. This shows that there is place for jokes but must be declared upfront. Clear separation is important. Jokes should be just that.
The following scriptures have answer the pertinent questions raised above. Yes, words have power. Every word that we speak can have power if we purpose it in our hearts. Yes, sometimes you have to calm the situation to bring about seriousness of the matter, this can involve changing the tone of your voice. Like rejoice with those who are rejoicing and mourn with those who are mourning. Comedians, can they make jokes, Yes, they can, as long as they declare upfront and also purpose it in their words. People unconsciously declare how they are going to die seriously and it happen just the way it was purposed. I shall cover this topic in much detail in future post. There is more evidence and revelations. 

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