Psalm of Donald Matjuda to Lord…
- What can I say or do to impress the Lord My God?
- Only praise, honour and worship can move and impress Him
- He is the Lord of Pastor Godwin Maboe, Dr Bishop Winston Pienaar, Pastor Charmaine Pienaar and Donald Matjuda
- He is the Almighty of Jacob, Shadrack, Mishack and Abednego
- He is mighty to save, awesome and wonderful
- The Lord is the light of my life, my joy, my strength, he rejoices over me.
- He sing a happy song over me and dances for my victory
- Lord you are happy when victory is my portion, your smile and joy is my resounding strength
- Lord you prepare the path and ways for me, level, open, flatten and make them plain for my sake
- You carry me through the darkest hour, when I cannot recognise myself you give me an identity
- When I am in abyss, the deepest hole and gutter, you restore me, you strengthen my toes, meta-tarsals and knees.
- You inpower and empower me, you transform my mind, my mind gets ready for war against the devil
- You promised me eternality, you said I can conquer anything, you said mightier things I can do…you strengthen my knees to stand and walk even in hopeless situations
- You are God - Exalted, High above everything. Heaven is your recharging place and earth is you're implementing place. It is your place of work, your angels take up their positions on earth. They give you feedback about each of our lives and how I am living. The Holy Ghost is my guard, protector, soul provider - He goes forth on my behalf as I command.
- You have appointed me as your agent of change, the agent created in your image to bring about the knowledge of the Lord to the people.
- You enable me to hope, believe, belong and love. In you I belong, I know a man need three things, which is Hope, Love and Belong in life but the first one is You Lord…
- You make all other things to fall together, sense-making, give a rich picture, to fall in place…when I am lost I can have the slightest of the hope, because I will yet still see the salvation of the Lord in my Life.
- You become the oversee of my soul, even when I am lonely I can pour my Love to you
- You are beautiful, your beauty is too much, your beauty is beyond understanding…you are good…Yes You are.
- I love the Lord for He has saved my soul, He has lifted me up…He has made me anew…He has breathed in me life in abundance, given me grace, mercy and power.
- I thought I have seen my miracles in the world until I met you, then I realise I had seen nothing. I thought I understood better, I was clever enough to do so many things but the Lord…
- But the Lord showed me His power, He showed me His strength and showed that He is capable
- Hence I declare and decree today that I love the Lord, Yes I do…I Love the Lord…Yes I do…
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