Saturday, 21 December 2013

What a man (human being) wants… do, love and hope

Without wavering let us hold tightly to the hope that we profess we have, for God can be trusted to keep his promise (Hebrews 10:23). By now my wife to be knows about my many theories in life that I believe in. Sometimes last year I watched a movie called ‘Flight of the phoenix’. It was about a plane that crashed in the desert. Passengers survived and as the days go by without hope and strategy. Some passengers’ walk off from the group and died suddenly.

One of the men said the most amazing line ‘Give a man something to do, someone to love or something to hope’.  These words only sunk in days after the movie and they made so much sense to me. I applied my deductive logic, inductive reasoning and critical thinking methods to the line given.  I realised that man is a complex being that needs different matrix to get through to or inspire. To attest to this, everything that you do is right by the time you are doing it. Let me first expound the first part of the sentence:

Give a man something to do. It is given that if we don’t find a place where we belong as human being or a place to exercise our full potential. We tend to seek so that we can find something to do. Doing is crucial in every person’s life that is why if your efforts are not recognised/praised you lose heart (fruitless deeds). Being part of a partnership or friendship that doesn’t allow you to do or be, you will quit and look for something.         

Give a man someone to love. I alluded to the point that a man needs to belong all the time with a particular social club or group of people that share similar interest. A man’s mind needs to know that someone else is appreciating me. That is why if a man feels that he/she is not loved he/she goes hunting for love or appreciation. Truly I wouldn’t stick around in a relationship that does not fulfil me as a person. Whether you believe it or not, it is the truth that everyone needs to be told that he/she is special or is worthy to have as friends. If you observed all the people in your phone book that you lost touch with and are no longer making any contact with you. You end up replacing them because there is no person to appreciate or love (loved). When the partnership that I am in does not give me enough attention I would go and look for someone who will give me attention. Then there is a feeling of belonging and identifying with. That is why men and women cheat; their partners are not giving them enough to love.

Give a man something to hope for. If man does not get something to do, to keep him busy and occupied. A man must get to exercise being alive, right and freedom of expression. If he does not get someone to love or appreciate, he becomes incomplete, no man is an island, a man is convivial being. He is left with something tangible to put his trust in, and then there must be something to hope for. Hoping is expecting that something is going to happen. It involves acts that need to be done to make it worth a wait (hope). This ranges from coming up with ideas to alleviating the situation or investing trust or boldly believing in the Almighty who provides for your survival (being alive).  

I Peter explain hoping in details, no matter how the situation looks continue to hope and believe for he promised to deliver. Not in your time but in his time, be silent and know that I am God. No one can oppose what I do. No one can reverse my actions.        

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